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Andrew Norris And Associates Offers Expertise in Marine Living

When you take your yacht out for a cruise, it essentially becomes your home until you bring it back into the dock. For this reason, you want it to be a comfortable and inviting space that has all the features you’ll need. Andrew Norris and Associates can help you design a stunning yacht interior to make you and your guests feel at home every time you come aboard. Our team in Richmond, VA has a keen eye for detail and will ensure all the elements of your design work together to create the perfect atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. Once we’re finished, you’ll love taking your yacht for long trips, as you’ll have all the comforts of home on the water. Please reach out to us today for more information about our yacht interior services.

Yacht Interiors in Richmond

Make a Home on the Water

Making any space into a place that feels like home is our specialty at Andrew Norris and Associates. As with any interior design, the success of your yacht interior lies within the details. Every feature must work together to create the perfect atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. We’ll help you create a home on the water by outfitting your yacht with beautiful accent pieces and customizing your interior from floor to ceiling. Our team of professionals will meet with you to discuss your style and your goals for space and get to work planning a customized upgrade to bring your vision to life. With the help of our team, you can create a dreamy, relaxing atmosphere to call home while on the water.

Our Yacht Services

At Andrew Norris and Associates, we’re here to transform your yacht into the space of your dreams. We offer comprehensive interior services to upgrade some or all of the features inside the cabin. Whether you only want to upgrade a few key items or are ready to dive into a complete overhaul of the interior, our team can make it happen for you. We have a team of knowledgeable interior design specialists to help you choose the right elements that come together in a cohesive design. Our team can provide all of the following for your yacht interior:

  • Window Coverings: Control and filter the sunlight with the perfect combination of shades, draperies, blinds, or sheer fabrics, all while adding to the aesthetic appeal of your yacht interior.
  • Upholstery: Complete the look of your interior cabin with upholstery to perfectly match or complement your window coverings.
  • Accents & Bedding: Take your design a step further by adding matching home accents like pillows and bedding to your yacht. The look and feel of your space are determined by all these small details that work together.
  • Complete Redesign: Our team can help you plan a complete redesign of your yacht interior from top to bottom. Nothing says luxury like a professionally curated space. You’ll feel right at home the moment you step inside.

We’ll Show You Your Options in Person

We want you to get a feel for all your décor options before we start installing them. That’s why we bring samples directly to your yacht or home so you can see them in person before making a decision. Colors and fabrics can look very different in different environments, so seeing them in your yacht will help you see how they’ll look with your other design elements. Once you make a decision, we’ll use our precise measurements to create customized accents to fit your space. Then, we’ll return to your yacht to install all window treatments and deliver other accent items. This process allows us to offer truly personalized service that will produce a beautifully finished design.

Yacht Interiors

Why You Should Choose Us

When designing your new yacht interior, you want to work with a team with the appropriate knowledge and attention to detail. Andrew Norris and Associates is the team to choose to help you in this process. Whether you’re shopping for a single item or you’re ready to redecorate the entire cabin, we have the expertise to create a beautiful design. Choose to work with us for the following reasons:

  • Locally Owned & Operated: We are locally owned and operated and very much enjoy helping our customers in the local community get the items and updates they need. You can trust us to handle your project.
  • Experienced Team: We have an experienced team with the knowledge and expertise needed to put a cohesive design together. Our interior design specialists have a keen eye for detail to ensure each item is perfectly chosen to match all the others.
  • Professional Service: You can count on us to provide professional service. We know how important your investment in your yacht or home is to you, which is why we work so hard to ensure you’re happy with the results.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in learning more about our yacht interior services, we encourage you to reach out to our team today. We can set up a time to discuss your project and the vision you have for your space. We love helping our clients create spaces they’ll love and can’t wait to do the same for you!

We Never Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection