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About Andrew Norris & Associates Near Richmond, VA, and Henrico County

It takes years of hands-on experience and an astonishing amount of natural talent to become a master craftsman. The son of two well-respected drapery and treatment experts, Andrew Norris was taught the importance of sourcing quality materials, working with trusted artisans, and installing treatments with precision.

When his parents retired from the business, Andrew Norris & Associates was born. The company’s reputation for stunning custom treatments spread quickly to designers all along the East Coast, and soon, one-of-a-kind interior treatments by Andrew Norris & Associates could be found in some of the region’s most elegant homes and celebrated landmarks. Now Andrew Norris & Associates partners with the region’s most influential designers and fabricators to bring to life singular custom window treatments.

Why Choose Us for Window Treatments in Richmond, VA

At Andrew Norris & Associates, we carry a wide range of window treatments you’ll love. From Hunter Douglas sheers and shadings to honeycomb shades, Roman shades, roller shades, screen shades, shutters and blinds, and so much more – you’ll find all things window-related at our Richmond, VA store. But at our store, you’ll find much more than just a wide range of exceptional, state-of-the-art products. Whether you’re shopping for a single window covering or redecorating your entire house, we have great people with the knowledge and expertise to help you put it all together. As a locally-owned and -operated business, we take immense pride in our professional products, services, and long-term commitment to the Richmond, VA community.

Our Premier Window Work

Our work revolves around our love for windows, our community, and our beloved customers. Window treatments, blinds, shades, and shutters can enhance the atmosphere of any room in your house with elegance and ease. Our professionals can efficiently suggest what window treatments will best accentuate your home. As your local window experts, our premier window work will leave you speechless. Window treatments are an investment that should seamlessly integrate with your space, while also elevating it with a customized flair. To learn more about the premier window work we offer and what we can do for you, give Andrew Norris & Associates a call today!

Our Goals & Mission

Our goals revolve around the Richmond, VA community that we lovingly serve. We strive to connect with our customers, and to know and understand exactly what they’re looking for in terms of window treatments, blinds, shades, and shutters. Window treatments serve such an important purpose in the home. They can be a detrimental aspect to overlook when planning a room’s design. The professionals at Andrew Norris & Associates can help you make an informed decision about what window treatments will best suit you and the aesthetic of your home. Request a free, in-home consultation to get started today on transforming your home into an even better version of itself. Remember, you don’t have to do it alone! We’re here to help.


adult father and son posing in fishing shirts

Contact Andrew Norris & Associates Today!

Whether you’re looking for Hunter Douglas sheers and shadings or shutters and blinds, Andrew Norris & Associates in Richmond, VA has you covered. We understand the importance of considering your options when looking to add window treatments to your home interior. Our professionals are always ready and willing to aid you in your search. They are prepared to provide their expert opinions whenever you need them. If you’re looking for Hunter Douglas sheers and shadings, honeycomb shades, Roman shades, roller shades, screen shades, or shutters and blinds, reach out to us today. We’ll get you set up with a spectacular set of window treatments you’ll love for the years to come. Contact Andrew Norris & Associates for the best window-related services in Richmond, VA, and the surrounding areas. Rest assured your needs will be met.

We Never Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection