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Do You Have a Question About Our Services?

At Andrew Norris & Associates, we’re committed to offering the gold standard in window treatments and interior design. Whether you know exactly what you want, or you need some help brainstorming ideas for window treatments, we can help. We’ve worked with some of the most recognizable venues in the Richmond, VA area, and we’re excited to collaborate with you as well. However, we know that you probably have a few questions when it comes to selecting premier window treatments. Our team is happy to answer your questions in person or over the phone. Below, we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions for your convenience.

How Do I Match Window Treatments to My Home’s Style?

Choosing the perfect window treatments for your style can be a challenge. Fortunately, Andrew Norris & Associates carries a wide range of window blinds and shades to meld with your unique aesthetic. Take a look at our gallery for some inspiration, or if you’re really stuck, feel free to reach out to our team. With years of experience working with interior window treatments, our staff can help you find the ideal window treatments to match any style.

What Are Custom Window Coverings?

Custom window coverings are personalized products made to a client’s exact specifications. If you have an oddly shaped window or a highly unique aesthetic, custom blinds or shades may be the best choice for you. The team at Andrew Norris & Associates will learn more about your needs and tastes and then create a lovely personalized window covering for your space.

How Should I Care for My Window Treatments?

Good news! Caring for your window treatments is simple. Window shutters, blinds, and shades only require dusting from time to time. If your blinds are excessively dirty, use a damp cloth to wipe them down. Never soak your window treatments in water, and always defer to cleaning instructions on the tag.

Which Treatment is Best for Oddly Shaped Windows?

If you have an oddly shaped window in your home, we’re up to the challenge. Our team can handle windows of any shape and size, and we just need an idea of what your window looks like and your personal style. We have products that can cover unique shapes, skylights, and much more.

What Should I Choose for a Modern, Minimalistic Look?

Modern, minimalistic window treatments are in vogue. If you want to add a touch of modernity to your space, our team can help you pinpoint a contemporary style. We often recommend using black, white, and other neutral tones to give your home a modern edge. While we can make nearly any window treatment meld with modern and minimalistic aesthetics, we suggest wood blinds, motorized shades, and fabrics in earthy tones.

How Do Window Treatments Control Indoor Temperature?

Top-quality window treatments are an excellent way to keep your home a little cooler during hot Virginia summers. Blinds, shutters, and shades all allow you to control how much sunlight enters your home through windows. They add an extra layer of insulation that keeps the outdoor elements from affecting indoor temperatures. While adding a set of blinds isn’t a replacement for good home insulation, it can go a long way to maintaining a comfortable space.

Do You Offer In-Home Consultations?

Yes! The team at Andrew Norris & Associates is glad to offer free, in-home consultations to help you choose the window blinds or shades best for your space. We’ll help you make an informed decision regarding the type of window treatments, color, and shape.

How Can I Get Pricing for Window Treatments?

During your in-home consultation and in the days after, we’d be happy to discuss price points. We understand that many of our customers have a budget they’d like to stick to, and our team is committed to respecting your wishes. Simply let us know your price range in advance, and we’ll make recommendations that keep you from breaking the bank.

Do You Service My Area?

Andrew Norris & Associates is proud to work with clients in Richmond, VA, and the surrounding communities. If you live a little further out, we welcome you to give us a call anyway. We’ll let you know if you fall within our service area.

Contact Us for Additional Information

Do you still have questions about choosing and purchasing brand-new window treatments? Please reach out to us for more information. We’re always glad to help our valued customers make educated decisions about blinds, shutters, shades, and more. No matter your style, price point, or size restrictions, we have the perfect product for you. Contact us via email or phone to learn more.