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We Offer Indoor and Exterior Decorative Shutters

When you want a timeless design that accents the beauty of your home, decorative window shutters are a perfect choice. Andrew Norris & Associates provides custom-designed decorative shutters to Richmond, VA homeowners. We have indoor and outdoor decorative shutter options to meet your specific needs. Decorative shutters give your home a unique look and feel. We know every home is different, so our knowledgeable team is excited to find the perfect decorative shutters for your specific style. Contact us today to learn more.

Decorative Shutters in Richmond, VA

Types of Decorative Shutters

We offer multiple types of decorative window shutters, including:

  • Bahama Shutters – Bahama Shutters are some of the well-known, exemplary decorative shutters. They’re beautiful and functional at the same time. Their tropical look boosts curb appeal and complements many home designs. They’re easy to open and close, allowing you t control the amount of light exposure in your home. One of the best things about Bahama shutters is they’re known to withstand harsh weather elements for better protection in storms.
  • Colonial Shutters – Colonial shutters provide a classic, elegant look with a rustic feel. They easily open and shut for simple functions. Offered in many different types of designs and colors, colonial shutters match many different architectural styles.
  • Board & Batten Shutters – Board and Batten shutters have one to four boards with a cross panel, or batten, placed at an angle horizontally across the front. These are simple and classic, perfect for farmhouse style or brick homes.
  • Louvered Shutters – Louvered shutters have angled slats for a lovely look and functional appeal. They’re perfect for natural lighting and a classic design.

Tips for Choosing Decorative Window Shutters

We have a few tips to help you choose decorative window shutters to complement your home’s architecture, including:

  • Silhouette Choices – Louvered shutters provide a classic addition to any home and are paired perfectly with Victorian homes. Bahama and Bermuda shutters are often paired with homes in tropical areas and suspend from the top. Board and batten shutters pair well with traditional brick or farmhouse homes for their classic character. Raised panel shutters blend in with almost all types of homes due to their raised panel appearance and low profile.
  • Material Selection – It’s important to choose a shutter material that meets the needs of your home. Wood shutters offer an authentic look with a natural appeal, composite shutters offer a luxurious look with additional durability, and vinyl shutters provide the most flexibility and durability.
  • Match the Neighborhood – Check out other homes in your neighborhood to determine the best shutter style to match surrounding homes. Your shutters shouldn’t make your home stand out like a sore thumb in the middle of your street.
  • Color Scheme – Shutters should stand out while complementing the look of your home. Bold red and blue shutters make a tremendous impact on modern homes. Brighter colors give a pop of color to farmhouse homes without going over-the-top.
Decorative Shutters in Richmond, VA

Difference Between Functional and Decorative Shutters

Though some decorative shutters are purely for aesthetics, many decorative shutters offer some type of function. Some decorative shutters were designed to accent your windows and provide the perfect style complement to your home. They’re low maintenance, classic, and offer a simple touch of classic design. Functional shutters can move up and down, swing back and forth, and often provide protection from harsh weather elements. Most functional shutters allow you to control light and privacy levels.

Why Choose Andrew Norris & Associates?

We’ve served Richmond, VA, and the surrounding areas as a locally owned and -operated business for decades. Our wide range of shades, blinds, and shutters offer customers versatility and style options. Our knowledgeable team is excited to help you find the best shutters for your needs. We’ll help match the style of your home to the perfect type of decorative shutters.

Contact Andrew Norris & Associates Today

We love helping people find the best window treatments for their homes. From classic designs to modern creations, finding the best window treatments is our passion. We invite you to check out our gallery to view our creations. Partner with our dedicated team to bring your home’s window treatments to life. Contact us today!

We Never Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection