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Custom Window Treatments in Richmond VA

The best projects are made out of the best materials. Contact us by phone at 804-664-2500 or email us. We would love to be a part of your next project and help make your vision a reality.

Window Treatments services in Richmond, VA

Window Treatments

Bring the outside in — Window treatments uplift a space by softening natural light, adding beauty, and drawing the eye to the splendor of the outdoors. Designers choose custom treatments to complement their overall interior scheme, and they know that ready-made is a poor substitute for custom-made.

Andrew Norris & Associates partners with carefully-chosen local artisans who specialize in hand-sewing as well as machine work. While the drapery takes shape, Norris and his team source hardware from a network of providers, tapping local fabricators to create custom fixtures when necessary. From simple bay windows to elaborate solariums, Andrew Norris & Associates helps designers’ ideas see the light of day.

Motorized Window Treatments in Richmond, VA

Motorized Window Treatments

Control at your fingertips — Motorization can simplify operation, especially if the room is purposed specifically for viewing media. But the installation of automated draperies, shades, and blinds is often an intimidating process.

Well-seasoned in the mechanics of blinds that open and close at the touch of a button, Andrew Norris & Associates fit commercial and residential buildings with state-of-the-art motorization. These blinds can be programmed to work with various systems in the home, including a laptop computer or smart phone.

Custom-Designed Shades in Richmond, VA

Blinds and Shades

Illuminate your interiors — Blinds can make all the difference in a room’s function. Andrew Norris & Associates take every aspect of the space into account before recommending a specific material. The shade that surrounds the room, the direction the room faces, and how the room will be used all add up to a customized shade transparency that filters in the perfect amount of light.

To maintain the integrity of every creation they bring to life, Andrew Norris & Associates use only trusted products. Hunter Douglas, a highly respected manufacturer of shades and blinds, provides an extensive array of durable options for even the most challenging projects.

Shutters for your Bathroom in Richmond, VA


Elegantly built and expertly installed — Well-crafted plantation shutters are often the finishing touch to a room designed to be elegant and timeless. Solid and functional as well as classically chic, these indoor shutters protect privacy and filter light to comfortable levels.

After in-depth consultations with designers, Andrew Norris and his team coordinate the construction of plantation shutters made from virtually any wood or synthetic material, including North American hardwood, oak, mahogany, and vinyl. The finished product is then custom-painted or stained before being securely installed.

Custom Blinds in Richmond, VA


Illuminate your interiors — Blinds can make all the difference in a room’s function. Andrew Norris & Associates take every aspect of the space into account before recommending a specific material. The shade that surrounds the room, the direction the room faces, and how the room will be used all add up to a customized shade transparency that filters in the perfect amount of light.

To maintain the integrity of every creation they bring to life, Andrew Norris & Associates use only trusted products. Hunter Douglas, a highly respected manufacturer of shades and blinds, provides an extensive array of durable options for even the most challenging projects.

Fabrics maintenance in Richmond, VA


Add life to your fabrics — As with anything else, fabrics need to be cared for and cleaned regularly. Dust, dirt, and even sunlight damage your products. Fabrics left unattended for five years might look twenty years old, but carefully maintained fabrics might last twenty or more years.

To help you get the most life out of your fabrics, we are available for an annual or semiannual maintenance schedule. With more than 25 years in the fabric care business, Andrew Norris & Associates is here to keep your commercial property elegant and pristine.

Yacht Interiors in Richmond VA

Yacht Interiors

For your home on the water — Whether it’s 40′ or 150′ long, the majority of boats are identical to homes. Windows need shades, and interiors need drapery, pillows, and bedding. From high-end window treatments to custom interiors, Andrew Norris & Associates performs the same type of custom work on yachts as we do on homes.

Serving primarily Mid-Atlantic clients, both private and commercial, Andrew Norris & Associates offers custom window treatments and shades, cornices, blades, draperies, upholstery, accent pillows, and bedding.

We Never Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection