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Custom Roller Shades and Solar Shades

Basic roller shades and solar shades from many stores are limited to specific sizes, colors, and fabrics, so the final result might not enhance your decor as you had hoped. At Andrew Norris & Associates in Richmond, VA, our talented design team customizes and installs these shades to your specifications. We have always been locally owned and operated, with a broad spectrum of custom fabrics that clients enjoy exploring. And most importantly, we provide expert advice and encourage them to take their time when making their selections.

Roller and solar shades are incredibly versatile and can make standalone statements or pair well with blinds or curtains. They also provide insulation that keeps homes more comfortable. We feature a wide selection of Hunter Douglas and Horizons window shades and will guide you through the entire purchasing process, from determining your goals to the final installation. And since we measure these shades on-site, the fit will be perfect.

Hunter Douglas Sonnette® Roller Shades in a modern kitchen near Richmond, VA

Roller Shades Create a Refined Aesthetic

Timeless and elegant, roller shades are made from fabric and extend to windowsills to maximize view and light. They are attached to top ends or headrails and can be adjusted to different heights. When open, the material typically wraps around onto a rail and can lowered to your preference. Roller shades can also be customized with luxury fabrics, hit-tech control options, and upgrades. These are a few more reasons why we recommend roller shades to our clients:

Benefits of Custom Roller Shades

  • Minimal light gaps
  • Seamless operation
  • Protects your interior space from the sun
  • Little dust accumulation – easy maintenance
  • Saves energy by blocking the sun and heat
  • Added durability from sturdy construction and quality fabrics
  • Available in different opacities for light and privacy control
Hunter Douglas Designer Roller Shades blocking light in a living room near Richmond, VA

Solar Shades: Beautiful, UV Protection

Solar shades are similar to roller shades but have tightly woven, special fabric that maximizes UV protection. And even though they block the sun and absorb heat, your view is not obstructed. You can select from various colors, opacities, designs, and Beaded Loop or automated control. They have the same benefits as roller shades, plus a few more.

Added Benefits of Custom Solar Shades

  • Controls heat in your home more effectively
  • Reduce glare
  • UV-resistant, anti-microbial, flame-retardant fabrics

Hunter Douglas Roller Shades

Available in horizontal heights from 12” to 120” and widths from 12” to 115”, Hunter Douglas Designer Roller Shades come in over 350 fabric selections, with gorgeous sheer to opaque colors, patterns, prints, and textures. Enhancements for Hunter Douglas roller shades include:

  • Decorative accents
  • Duolite® light control and privacy all-in-one system
  • Dual Roller design
  • PowerView® Automation

Hunter Douglas Solar Shades

These window coverings are the perfect solution for curbing intense UV rays and can be customized in horizontal applications from 12” to 144” high and 12” to 192”. They are constructed with high-quality, sustainable fabrics from the Hunter Douglas GreenScreen® Sea-Tex™ collection in five opacity options. Enhancements for Hunter Douglas solar shades include:

  • Decorative accents
  • Dual Roller design
  • Dust cover

Horizons Shades of Elegance™ Roller Shades: The Name Says It All

We also feature Horizons Shades of Elegance™ Roller Shades, a quality window covering with European flair and an impressive assortment of styles. Their first material and lining option is Twin Shades, with a Roman shade in front and a roller shade liner in the back; Siesta Shades are made from mylar to cut glare and preserve the view.

Horizons Shades of Elegance™ Roller Shades come in these four styles:

  • Cassette Roller Shade: This has a color-matching cassette enclosure and fabric insert on top.
  • Clutch Roller Shade: Perfect for larger fabric pieces, the Clutch Roller Shade works with a chain and clutch system.
  • Fascia Roller Shade: The style is topped with a 4” color-coordinated fascia.
  • Spring Roller Shade: As the most traditional roller shade style, this is moved up and down by gently tugging its bottom hem.

Horizons Shades of Elegance™ Roller Shades can be customized further with:

  • Decorative accents
  • Easy Stop™ control for spring roller shades
  • Headrails and valances
  • Motorization

Choose Andrew Norris & Associates for Custom Roller Shades and Solar Shades

Custom roller shades and solar shades can enhance your home’s appearance, and we look forward to helping you select the finest fabrics and styles from Hunter Douglas and Horizons Window Fashions. Partner with us today and experience the difference fine craftsmanship and dedicated customer attention make.

Andrew Norris & Associates in Richmond, Virginia, provides clients with extraordinary, state-of-the-art window coverings and outstanding service in our showroom or your home. Contact us for inspirations and solutions near Richmond, Henrico County, Central VA, and the surrounding area.

We Never Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection