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Nothing compares to how you feel after a great night’s sleep. A dark room is essential for the best sleep; your window treatments can make or break that factor. Selecting the perfect bedroom window treatments is a matter of aesthetic preference and functionality requirements. Let the Andrew Norris & Associates team help you choose bedroom window treatments that are an ideal union of fashion and function, such as bedroom window blinds and shades.

Hunter Douglas bedroom blinds in a home near Richmond, VA

The Best Bedroom Blinds

Bedroom window blinds are an excellent bedroom solution because their opaque slats provide exceptional light control. The slats close tightly to block unwanted light at night and tilt open at various angles to allow sunlight during daytime hours. Parkland® Wood Blinds are an elegant choice that looks spectacular in nearly every décor. You can elevate the aesthetic of your bedroom and make your bedroom blinds more versatile by layering them with Carole Fabrics™ Custom Drapes or draperies and side panels from Horizons™.

Other Bedroom Window Treatments to Consider

Bedroom window blinds are always a great choice for bedrooms, but they aren’t everyone’s preference. If you want softness, depth, and visual interest on your windows, we recommend choosing from our selection of fabric shades.

Custom Roman Shades

Roman shades have a timeless style, and their continuous fabric construction eliminates unwanted gaps for light to sneak in. They have a subtle sophistication that enhances your décor. You can select Roman shades in various styles and materials to suit your bedroom’s interior design. Andrew Norris & Associates carries several premium Roman shade options:

  • Vignette® Roman Shades are a contemporary take on a classic design. They’re available in full or flat folds and rolling or stacking styles.
  • Carole Fabrics™ Roman Shades offer a refined appearance with over 4,000 fabrics and five fold styles.
  • Horizons™ Natural Roman Shades are handwoven using natural materials like reeds, jute, and bamboo, bringing organic luxury to your bedroom. They are available in three styles and with several decorative options.
  • Horizons™ Fabric Roman Shades offer a streamlined design ideal for small spaces or windows. Choose from six styles and hang multiple shades from a single headrail for enhanced light control and privacy.
  • Shades of Elegance™ Roman Shades have an exquisite, handcrafted appearance and a crisp knife pleat design that brings out the beauty of solid or textured fabrics. These Roman shades are available with duo-fold controls that allow you to adjust the shade from the top and bottom.

Custom Cellular Shades

Cellular shades are masters of multitasking. Their pleated surface has an exciting appearance, and their innovative interior provides unparalleled insulation that keeps your home more comfortable and absorbs sound for a quieter bedroom. Duette® Cellular Shades are available in over 150 color and fabric combinations, and the optional LightLock® blackout system uses side channels to deflect unwanted light while in bed. For daytime use, consider the top-down/bottom-up style or the versatility of an opaque liner and sheer front shade courtesy of the Duolite® feature.

Top Bedroom Window Treatments Near Richmond, VA

Our design specialists are ready to help you create stunning window treatments for your bedroom. Andrew Norris & Associates is locally owned and known for our unmatched quality and unrivaled service. We carry leading brands like Hunter Douglas and Horizons™ and enjoy showing off our work in our virtual gallery.

Andrew Norris & Associates is happy to serve Richmond, VA, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule an in-home design consultation.